Johnnashae Carpentier from Convatec met with us today for our monthly support group meeting and provided really good information about products and services offered to ostomates.
One of the most interesting products she discussed was their Convatec Moldable Technology Skin Barrier. The design is really interesting and appears to be really good at preventing leaks from any stoma shape!
Their ESENTA Sting Free Adhesive Remover is made without alcohol so will ensure the maintenance of healthy skin.
One of the most interesting services that Convatec provides is their me+ Program. From their website: "The me+™ program offers you the right support so you feel stronger, more confident and ready for what’s ahead. The ostomy products and support you need, tips and advice for living with an ostomy, and a community you can learn from. Have questions about living with an ostomy? Our me+ product specialist and ostomy nurses are waiting to help you, call 1-800-422-8811." Some of the benefits of this program are:
• starter kits available
• complimentary virtual telehealth services for ostomy issues and questions
• board-certified ostomy nurses are used for telehealth services
• recovery series programs for after surgery
In addition, they offer a free mobile app that can help track your pouch changes and other helpful information. You can download the My Ostomy Journey App by CLICKING HERE!
Convatec also has a durable medical equipment supply company that they own so ordering can be simplified. 180medical.com has more information for anyone interested!
If you are interested in free samples, you can always request them on their website HERE. If you prefer to reach the Convatec Concierge, you can call or email her directly at the following:
Makeya Jordan
877-585-0470 option 3