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  • Kipp Harris

Intimacy & Self Confidence with an Ostomy

Our February meeting theme was "How has your ostomy affected your intimate relationships?" Our guest speaker was Lora Yeater from Simply Beautiful Store. Lora shared her story of getting an ostomy and finding herself depressed and feeling not as attractive in her new body. After time and contemplation, Lora began her work to design ostomy wraps and intimate apparel to make women feel better and more attractive.

Lora's online store is undergoing changes right now but will be up and running within the next few weeks. She encouraged meeting participants to go to the website and provide their email address to receive a 10% off coupon.

The store will ultimately have a wide-range of products including wraps, panties, bras, sweatshirts, t-shirts and natural oils to help minimize the odor associated with ostomy pouches. Additionally, Lora is working on wraps for men and will be adding those to the website when available.

One of the things she noted that resonated was "Self Confidence is Your Superpower!" She talked about this and encouraged people to go through the grieving process to let go of what you once had and learn to live with the reality of what is -- being an ostomate!

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